How to specify where files are downloaded

Learn how to change the default download folder of your computer or browser.

Folder for file downloading, explained

By default, Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari download files to the Herunterladen folder located /Users/User_Name/Downloads. For example, for Windows computers, the path might look like C:\Users\John\Downloads, for Mac: /Users/John/Downloads.

However, in some cases, you may need to change the location of the default download folder:

  • Organize files: Keep downloaded files sorted into specific folders by type or project.
  • Save storage: Set downloads to an external drive to free up internal storage space.
  • Enhanced privacy: Direct downloads to a private folder if sharing the device with others.
  • Quick access: Set frequently accessed folders as download locations to save time.
  • Sync across devices: Choose a cloud-synced folder (like iCloud Drive) to access downloads from multiple devices.

You can change the default Downloads folder for all Windows applications or set it specifically for your browser. You can choose a different folder for all downloads or configure your browser to ask for a folder each time you download a file.


To change the location of the Downloads folder in Windows:

1. Right-click on the Start button, then select File explorer.

2. Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf den Speicherort " Downloads" im linken Fensterbereich und wählen Sie dann Eigenschaften.

3. Navigieren Sie zur Registerkarte Speicherort , klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Verschieben , wählen Sie dann den Ordner aus, in den die Dateien heruntergeladen werden sollen, und klicken Sie auf Ordner auswählen.

4. Click on Ok to apply changes.


Achtung! Wenn Sie den Speicherort des Downloads-Ordners in Windows ändern, wirkt sich dies auf alle Programme aus.

Google Chrome

1. Click the three-dots menu at the top right, then select Settings.

2. Navigate to Downloads and change the folder's location. You can also enable the toggle here, and Google will ask you about the folder location each time you download a file.

Changes will be saved automatically. Once a file has been downloaded, the downloading button appears at the top right of the browser window. Click the folder icon to open. 


1. Navigate to  Chrome > Settings.

2. In the General tab, find the File download location line and select Other to change the default folder. You can also select Ask for each download. Changes will be saved automatically.

Mozilla Firefox

So ändern Sie den Speicherort des Standard-Download-Ordners

So wählen Sie einen anderen Speicherort für den Download-Ordner:

1. Click three horizontal lines at the top right, then select Settings.

2. In der Allgemein tab, scroll to the Herunterladen section, select the folder where you want the files to be downloaded or click Always ask you where to save files. Changes will be saved automatically.

You can access all files downloaded during the current browser session by clicking the download icon at the top. You can also browse the downloaded file folder directly by clicking the magnifier icon next to the file's name.

Microsoft Edge

1. Navigate to the three-dots menu and click Settings

2. Under Downloads, click Change and select the folder to which the files will be downloaded. You can also select Ask me what to do with each download. Changes will be saved automatically.

Once a file has been downloaded, you will see a notification at the top right of the navigation bar. Hover the cursor on a file and click the folder icon to open it. 

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